
A little blog crush

Do you have blogs that you visit that just make you smile, no matter what?  Well I do.  And not just a smile, a sort of refreshed feeling that there is someone out in the world that exudes happiness with everything she does.  Every single time I stop by Color me Katie, I am bombarded with bright colors and smiles.  Katie, a freelance photographer and street artist brings the streets of New York come alive with her work.

Just look at her human Pac Man game:

Isn't it just fun!  Katie, being a bit on the shy side, has made it her mission to create scenes and waits for just the right moment.  None of her street shots are staged, making for genuine smiles when people start to figure out what's going on.  Another reason I have a total blog crush on Katie?  Color color color.  She has a fond love of brightly colored paper, covering her walls of her apartment with fun ideas which she changes constantly. Before (hello bright and already cheery kitchen!):

 And after.  Just a little pop of color with a touch of silliness thrown in makes for a fun focal point!

Another fun project, the Kiss book.

To see more of her work, check out her blog, website flickr or this mini documentary to get a sneak peak on how she makes her ideas come alive.  It made me love her even more, she just seems like someone who would be fantastic to hang out with!  Katie and her BF Matt also participate in Improv Everywhere, a group that "causes scenes of chaos and joy".  Just check out their Grocery Store Musical.

Thank you Katie for being such great color inspiration and bringing a smile to everyones faces.
all photos via color me katie

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