
1 month of love

Phew, I am so behind on posting its not even funny. I am just now getting around to posting little Chickie's (my nickname for my little lady) first month photos even though yesterday she turned two months old! I shot these gems in our living room while she was in between feeds, and I was lucky enough to get a few shots in before she spit up all over the pillow...gotta love newborns. Life with a little one has been one fun and very tiring ride. But I wouldn't change it for the world, my Chickie is just way too cute. She is getting bigger by the day and is pounds of fun, in these photos she was around 5lbs 8 ounces. She's was super tiny but since has grown to be a little chunky. I just love her so much and now that she is sleeping a little more regularly things are all starting to fall into place. I'll be posting her 2 month photos as soon as I can get a little more time on the computer, seems every time I touch it the baby wakes up and needs something. Just like when dinner is served...I swear its like she smells the food and wakes up just as I am about to take my first bite!
photos by our designed life


Jackie said...

Awww. Adorable.

Bipasha said...

what a beautiful baby! Congratulations!!